Today's message is from Germaine Copeland.
As the afternoon shadows melted into evening a young mother prepared dinner and then helped her children with their homework. The rest of the evening they watched television, then and the children settled into bed. With a deep sigh, the mother sat down with the latest novel, looking for the great escape. But painful thoughts intensified as she considered the perceived neglect by her husband—lack of money, no help with the house or the children.
Today, in their retirement years this couple is enjoying their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Their relationship continues to grow.
What held this marriage together? It was not the love portrayed on television, in the theater, and in movies. Love is not about feelings; love is commitment. Love is a man and woman aligning themselves with one another. Keep Christ as the center of your marriage. Since the Holy Spirit has poured out God’s love into our hearts—let us love one another even as we love ourselves.
A marriage takes work: learning good communication skills (which includes listening), assuming responsibility, forgiving and appreciating one another. Pray together, make room for each other to grow spiritually, and be thankful for one another.