Department of Agriculture representative stopped at a ranch in Texas and talked with an old rancher. He told the rancher, "I need to inspect your ranch for your water allocation."
The old rancher said, "Okay, but don't go in that field over there."
The representative said, "Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me. See this card? This card means I am allowed to go WHEREVER I WISH on any agricultural land. No questions asked or answered. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand?"
The old rancher nodded politely and went about his chores.
Later, the old rancher heard loud screams and saw the Rep running for the fence and close behind was the rancher's bull. The bull was gaining on the Rep with every step.
The Rep was clearly terrified, so the old rancher immediately threw down his tools, ran to the fence and shouted out......
* * *Your card! Show him your card!* * *
Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008
Today's message is from Marcos Witt.
Revelation 4:10 says, “The twenty-four elders fall down before him” (NIV). Revelation 19:4 says, “The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God” (NIV). This is the key to the worshiper the Father is seeking. Everyone in heaven bows before the throne.
Besides the spiritual implication of prostration, I think it is important to learn to be physically prostrate as an outward sign of an inward decision. Many congregations don’t practice prostration, even though it is one of the most biblical forms of expressing worship. I believe it would be good to reinstate it into our worship services.
There is something that happens in our heart when we kneel and bow before His Majesty. It is a good exercise for our flesh, just to remind it who is in control of our body.
Occasionally, in a conference or other meeting, the Lord has led us to prostrate ourselves before Him. I cannot describe the feeling that comes over me when thousands of people bend their knees and bow before the great King as they pour out their hearts to Him. It is indescribable!
Looking upon that kind of scene, I can almost imagine how it is going to be in heaven when we are all around the great throne, from which emanates the wonderful light of His presence. There we will bow, receiving the warmth of His love, prostrate with our crowns thrown at His feet. Let us begin to learn, right now, to bend our knee in humility before Him, acknowledging His great power and glory.
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, today I choose to bow before You in worship. As I kneel before Your throne, I acknowledge with all my heart that You are the only true God.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman
"The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth" (Luke 3:5).
I love the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in the new cars. A voice comes on and tells me how far I have to go and when to turn. However, sometimes I get off course and the voice says: "Recalculating route." The GPS is telling me I have gone off course and it is now recalculating the route based on my wrong turn. Sometimes we can make wrong turns in our spiritual lives. We think we are going the right direction only to discover it was never God's will to enter that relationship, make that business deal, hire that person - the examples are limitless.
There is an amazing thing about God. He can make our crooked places straight. He has an ability to make whatever blunder you make turn out right. It may mean there might be some consequences to those decisions, but He will always allow your actions to work together for good for those called according to His purposes if we repent and seek Him fully to make things right. These lessons can even contribute to greater wisdom in our lives if we learn from our mistakes.
God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence. Do you think He knew you would make that misstep? Absolutely. Do you think your life was planned even with that misstep figured in? Absolutely.
Isn't it comforting to know you cannot plan God out of the equation no matter how bad you mess up? He will always turn crooked places into straight places for those who are humble and contrite.
Do you need a crooked place straightened out today? Ask Him to straighten the course so you can flow in His perfect will for your life.
"The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth" (Luke 3:5).
I love the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in the new cars. A voice comes on and tells me how far I have to go and when to turn. However, sometimes I get off course and the voice says: "Recalculating route." The GPS is telling me I have gone off course and it is now recalculating the route based on my wrong turn. Sometimes we can make wrong turns in our spiritual lives. We think we are going the right direction only to discover it was never God's will to enter that relationship, make that business deal, hire that person - the examples are limitless.
There is an amazing thing about God. He can make our crooked places straight. He has an ability to make whatever blunder you make turn out right. It may mean there might be some consequences to those decisions, but He will always allow your actions to work together for good for those called according to His purposes if we repent and seek Him fully to make things right. These lessons can even contribute to greater wisdom in our lives if we learn from our mistakes.
God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence. Do you think He knew you would make that misstep? Absolutely. Do you think your life was planned even with that misstep figured in? Absolutely.
Isn't it comforting to know you cannot plan God out of the equation no matter how bad you mess up? He will always turn crooked places into straight places for those who are humble and contrite.
Do you need a crooked place straightened out today? Ask Him to straighten the course so you can flow in His perfect will for your life.
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