by Os Hillman
"You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove it." Joshua 7:13b
The first battle for the people of Israel traveling from Egypt was at Jericho, once they crossed the Jordan River. God had given them a great victory at Jericho, and Joshua was now ready to move to their next battle at Ai. After they spied out the enemy camp, they determined they needed only a few thousand men to gain victory.
They went up against Ai only to fail miserably. They lost 32 men in a battle that should have been an easy victory, but instead they were forced to retreat. Joshua was devastated. "Ah, Sovereign Lord, why did You ever bring this people across the Jordan to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us?" (Josh. 7:7a) In this case, the people fell short because they failed to uphold the standard God had set for them. God had told them not to take any plunder from their first battle. However, Achan hid some forbidden treasures, and God was now judging the entire nation for one man's sin.
Whenever we act without God's complete blessing on our activity, we can expect God to thwart our plans. God's word to Joshua was that he could not stand against his enemies as long as there was disobedience among his troops.
Whenever we launch a business endeavor, we should make sure there are no unclean things in our dealings that would allow us to be vulnerable to a failed effort: unpaid vendors, disgruntled employees who were not treated fairly, lawsuits, dishonesty. Many of these things can hinder God from blessing our enterprises. These things can remove the shield of protection from our workplace, which God wants to bless, but cannot because He is committed to upholding righteousness. His name is blemished when unrighteousness is allowed to permeate our lives.
Is the Lord able to bless your enterprises today? If not, you may need to go back and clean up a few things before He can do so. Take whatever steps are needed to ensure the blessing of God today.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010

by Kathy Duffy
Have you ever been in a predicament and someone appeared from out of nowhere to help you? That's happened to me more than once.
Years ago I took a trip from Oklahoma to Michigan driving an old, worn-out car. During the middle of the night somewhere in Missouri my car broke down. Here I was, a female with no credit cards, no AAA, no cellular phone and very limited cash, stranded in the middle of the night on the highway. I prayed and asked the Lord to help me.
Almost immediately from out of nowhere a man in a pick up truck appeared, fixed my car and made sure that I made it safely on my way. Whether he was human or an angel, heaven only knows. But of one thing I'm certain, he was sent by the Lord to help me out of a potentially dangerous situation.
Likewise, the Lord sends us out into a world that is engulfed in darkness, and to a people who are destitute and without hope, dying in their sin. Every day we meet them. They are headed down a road that leads to eternal destruction and they are all around us.
Jesus said, "broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matt.7:13-14, NIV).
As Christians, it is our God given responsibility to help people find the road that leads to life. How often does the Holy Spirit bring people across our path so we can help them find their way, but we're too busy to even notice, let alone help them find Christ?
Let me give you an example of one such divine appointment that I could have easily missed. One day I went to a lake to pray. While walking in the woods, I noticed a woman dressed in a business suit sitting on a bench. I remember thinking how peculiar it was for her to be at the lake in a business suit.
Suddenly, before I could even think about it, I found myself running over to the lady, throwing my arms around her and asking her what was wrong. She grabbed me and sobbed uncontrollably in my arms. I began to pray aloud. Between sobs, she eventually told me her story.
Sin had taken its toll in her life to the point that she was contemplating suicide. She had just cried out to God and pleaded that if He was really there and if He still loved her, to please send her an angel to let her know. It was at the precise moment that I ran over to her. She literally thought I was an angel when I put my arms around her and began to pray for her. The Lord intervened and changed her life that day, and ultimately the lives of her husband and children. To her, I was an "angel" sent by God.
What if I had been too busy to stop and talk with her? What if I had let my head get in the way instead of following my heart? I was His angel (messenger) that day. It was a simple act but the results were life changing.
I challenge you as I do myself to follow the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit in your heart and avail yourself to be used by God however He wants to use you. Then, in utter amazement, watch Him work through you and see what He'll do!
Have you ever been in a predicament and someone appeared from out of nowhere to help you? That's happened to me more than once.
Years ago I took a trip from Oklahoma to Michigan driving an old, worn-out car. During the middle of the night somewhere in Missouri my car broke down. Here I was, a female with no credit cards, no AAA, no cellular phone and very limited cash, stranded in the middle of the night on the highway. I prayed and asked the Lord to help me.
Almost immediately from out of nowhere a man in a pick up truck appeared, fixed my car and made sure that I made it safely on my way. Whether he was human or an angel, heaven only knows. But of one thing I'm certain, he was sent by the Lord to help me out of a potentially dangerous situation.
Likewise, the Lord sends us out into a world that is engulfed in darkness, and to a people who are destitute and without hope, dying in their sin. Every day we meet them. They are headed down a road that leads to eternal destruction and they are all around us.
Jesus said, "broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matt.7:13-14, NIV).
As Christians, it is our God given responsibility to help people find the road that leads to life. How often does the Holy Spirit bring people across our path so we can help them find their way, but we're too busy to even notice, let alone help them find Christ?
Let me give you an example of one such divine appointment that I could have easily missed. One day I went to a lake to pray. While walking in the woods, I noticed a woman dressed in a business suit sitting on a bench. I remember thinking how peculiar it was for her to be at the lake in a business suit.
Suddenly, before I could even think about it, I found myself running over to the lady, throwing my arms around her and asking her what was wrong. She grabbed me and sobbed uncontrollably in my arms. I began to pray aloud. Between sobs, she eventually told me her story.
Sin had taken its toll in her life to the point that she was contemplating suicide. She had just cried out to God and pleaded that if He was really there and if He still loved her, to please send her an angel to let her know. It was at the precise moment that I ran over to her. She literally thought I was an angel when I put my arms around her and began to pray for her. The Lord intervened and changed her life that day, and ultimately the lives of her husband and children. To her, I was an "angel" sent by God.
What if I had been too busy to stop and talk with her? What if I had let my head get in the way instead of following my heart? I was His angel (messenger) that day. It was a simple act but the results were life changing.
I challenge you as I do myself to follow the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit in your heart and avail yourself to be used by God however He wants to use you. Then, in utter amazement, watch Him work through you and see what He'll do!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
by Rick Warren
"Your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well what you need and he will give it to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to." Matthew 6:33 (LB)
Many of us act like spiritual orphans. We forget that we have a heavenly Father who already knows what we need. He's just waiting for us to ask. He will provide. Does God take care of little birds? They don't worry. Human beings are the only things in all creation that worry. Everything else trusts the heavenly Father and creator to care for their needs.
"He gives food to those who trust Him. He never forgets His promises." (Psalm 111:5 LB) How much do you trust God? Worry is really just a form of atheism. Every time you worry, you're saying, "It all depends on me." That's just not in the Bible.
You must trust God with your life. Today's verse says, "If you give him first place." Why? Because as long as you love anything more than God that thing or person or item will become a source of anxiety.
"Don't put your hope in wealth which is so uncertain. But put your hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." (1 Timothy 6:17)
You must always remember -- your security is not in your bank account; your security is in the Lord. If God turns off one faucet, he can turn on another. If he turns off one job, he can turn on another. You must seek the Lord.
The book of Romans says God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you to pay for your salvation. If God loves you enough to send His own son to die for you, don't you think He loves you enough to take care of your bills? Don't you realize that any other problem is minor by comparison? He solved your biggest problem when he saved you. The bottom line is this: Are you going to believe God to do what He says He will do? And are you going to believe him enough to do what he tells you to do?
"Your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well what you need and he will give it to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to." Matthew 6:33 (LB)
Many of us act like spiritual orphans. We forget that we have a heavenly Father who already knows what we need. He's just waiting for us to ask. He will provide. Does God take care of little birds? They don't worry. Human beings are the only things in all creation that worry. Everything else trusts the heavenly Father and creator to care for their needs.
"He gives food to those who trust Him. He never forgets His promises." (Psalm 111:5 LB) How much do you trust God? Worry is really just a form of atheism. Every time you worry, you're saying, "It all depends on me." That's just not in the Bible.
You must trust God with your life. Today's verse says, "If you give him first place." Why? Because as long as you love anything more than God that thing or person or item will become a source of anxiety.
"Don't put your hope in wealth which is so uncertain. But put your hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." (1 Timothy 6:17)
You must always remember -- your security is not in your bank account; your security is in the Lord. If God turns off one faucet, he can turn on another. If he turns off one job, he can turn on another. You must seek the Lord.
The book of Romans says God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for you to pay for your salvation. If God loves you enough to send His own son to die for you, don't you think He loves you enough to take care of your bills? Don't you realize that any other problem is minor by comparison? He solved your biggest problem when he saved you. The bottom line is this: Are you going to believe God to do what He says He will do? And are you going to believe him enough to do what he tells you to do?
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