Thursday, March 4, 2010
Satan goes to great lengths to distort our concepts of God. But because such distortions can serve his "interests" in our lives, Satan is willing to invest as much time and work as it takes to secure those vulnerable areas of our minds for his own purposes. Those inaccurate, inadequate concepts place us in great peril. To the degree that our ideas about God are lower than the truth of God, to that degree we are surely weakened and defeated. In those places and upon the foundation of distorted truth Satan is able to gain ground and set up his strongholds in our lives.
If there are inaccurate, distorted images of You within my life, Father, take them from me and reveal the truth of Your holiness. Satan will have no stronghold in my life.
by Mike Bickle
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Jacob sat in his chair quietly next to his mom and dad as his grade 3 teacher Mrs. Carter gave them an update on his progress at school.
Jacob held his breath and sank a little lower into his chair. He looked up at his dad to see if he was in trouble. His father glanced down, smiled and gave him a quick wink.
In the car on the way home from the Parent-Teacher night, Jacob thought about what Mrs. Carter had called him – ‘Slow Learner’. Deep down Jacob knew that what she really meant was that he was dumb.
Later that evening, Jacob’s dad came into his room carrying a piece of paper and a pen.
He sat down on the side of the bed and said, “Hey Jake, I wanted to talk to you about what Mrs. Carter said today.”
Jacob thought he might still be in trouble for being a slow learner so he didn’t say anything.
“Mrs. Carter called you something today Jake, do you know what it was?”
“A Slow Learner” replied Jake who had already taken the words to heart.
“That’s right” said his dad as he wrote the words ‘Slow Learner’ on the piece of paper.
“Do you know what this says?”
“Slow Learner” replied Jacob nodding sadly.
Jacob’s dad then held up the piece of paper in front of his son and purposefully tore it into two.
Jacob’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Mrs. Carter was wrong Jake” said Jacob’s dad as he continued to tear the paper into smaller and smaller pieces.
“You’re not a slow learner.”
“I’m not?”
“No, and starting tomorrow, you and I are going to show that Mrs. Carter she was wrong, OK?”
“OK” Jacob hugged his dad, snuggled down into his pillow and fell asleep with a smile on his face and a warm glow in his heart.
From that day on, Jacob’s dad spent one hour per day helping Jacob with his reading and writing. By the end of the year, Jacob was doing much better at school and interestingly no-one ever labeled him a ‘Slow Learner’ again.
Jacob’s dad knew that when a child receives a label from a person in authority such as a teacher or parent, they often take that label to heart and it becomes a part of their self identity for the rest of their lives.
To avoid this from happening to his son, Jacob’s dad created a tangible representation of the ‘Slow Learner’ label and tore it up it in front of Jacob so that the label would not become a part of his child’s self concept.
Today I’d like to invite you to do the same exercise. To begin, find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed and think about the labels that people have given to you in the past.
Perhaps you were given a label by one of your parents, your teacher or your spouse. What is the label that resonates in your mind? Is there a label that has become part of your self identity because it was given to you by a person in a position of authority?
If so, write this label down on a blank sheet of paper and hold it up to see it for what it really is – A Label.
It is a label – nothing more. It is not part of you and you do not have to accept it as part of your self identity any longer.
As you begin to see the label for what it really is – Rip it in half and enjoy the feeling of destroying the label once and for all.
When you do this exercise you will feel a surge of motivation to take action to ensure that no one attempts to give you this label again in the future.
Just as Jacob’s dad took action and helped his son with his school work, make sure you follow through and do whatever you need to do to eliminate the remnants of the label from your life forever.
Until next time,
Dare To Dream
When I was dating the man who is now my husband of 12 years, I was in undergraduate school in Atlanta while he was in undergraduate school in Chicago. This would be classified as a long distance relationship. During this time (around 1996 to 1997) in order to talk on the phone, it required long distance telephone service.
These long distance calls costs amazing amounts of money. Thus, every time we talked, it would be in the back of our minds that we couldn't stay on the phone forever because the long distance rates were more than what we could afford as struggling college students. I had every calling card available at that time- MCI, Sprint and AT&T.
We had so many long distance calling card bills from the long distance courtship that we were paying them off during our first year of marriage in 1998!
After experiencing so many long distance bills in my past, I was so excited when times changed regarding long distance telephone service! Now, through cell phones and through newly introduced home phone rate plans, you can have a service package in which you can make unlimited 'long-distance' calls anywhere in the continental U.S. without minute by minute charges. What a difference an unlimited plan makes!
I can now call friends and family anywhere in the country without having to be mindful or fearful of an upcoming astronomical phone bill. I don't have to hang up when I have more to say because I can't afford it. That's the benefit of the unlimited plan...talking freely at length without minutes in mind!
Our father in heaven has gifted us with an amazing communication system with Him called prayer. It is an UNLIMITED PLAN! You can't run out of minutes. Your service can never be terminated or suspended. He's given us insurance and assurance that He will always be in the business of hearing and answering our prayers.
The Unlimited Plan that God has designed for us includes:
• Unlimited Communication (Talk Time): You will never run out of minutes.
• Unlimited Coverage: Where ever you are, He's with you!
• Unlimited (Direct) Contact: You can go directly to Him.
Unlimited Communication or Talk Time is a clear benefit according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 which states "Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Unlimited Coverage is a definite benefit according to Psalm 139:7-10 which exclaims, "... where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me."
Unlimited Direct Contact is another obvious benefit. We don't need another person to be our 'carrier.' Since Jesus shed His blood, we can pray to directly God for ourselves! Hebrews 10:19-22 states, "Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith..."
*Warning: Even with the unlimited plan, your call may get dropped if you are praying with unforgiveness in your heart, head or hands. In Mark 11:25, Jesus says, "And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."
There is power in prayer because it is God's Unlimited Plan for communication with us. There is no need to rush off of the line when you have the unlimited plan! Today, take the time to take advantage of the fact that when talking to God you do not have to be mindful of your minutes!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
For God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. —Romans 11:29
Because the gifts and calling of God are "irrevocable," a person who had a tremendous anointing yesterday can continue to see the momentum of that anointing continuing to manifest itself. He or she may hastily conclude that "the anointing is still with me" when it is but the momentum of yesterday's anointing.
This is sobering. I could be a hypocrite in my personal life, and yet my gift could continue to function. I could even deceive myself by telling myself, I must be right with God, or I couldn't preach. The truth is, God's calling and gifts are irrevocable. That means that God will not withdraw my preaching gift simply because I have not been a loyal, obedient son. He gave me certain abilities when He made me and called me into the ministry. By study and hard work I can improve upon those gifts—without a fresh anointing that comes only from continued intimacy with God. And when people say, "That was a good word," or "God spoke to me through you today," I could assume that God is very pleased with me indeed. One of the worst things we can do is to take compliments too seriously.
It is possible that there are those who sincerely don't know better. They are well equipped, high powered, eloquent, and charismatic; people are blessed by their ministries. These people who are thus used by God may sincerely believe they are pleasing God because their anointing is functioning so well. "I am under God's anointing," they may well say. True. But it could be yesterday's anointing. There may be nothing fresh about it.
The fresh anointing is the essential thing. It is what replenishes the irrevocable. If our irrevocable anointing is not replenished by a fresh touch of God, we are depending on yesterday's anointing.
Excerpted from The Anointing: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Charisma House, 2003).