May 22, 2008
Today's message is from Marcos Witt.
Revelation 4:10 says, “The twenty-four elders fall down before him” (NIV). Revelation 19:4 says, “The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God” (NIV). This is the key to the worshiper the Father is seeking. Everyone in heaven bows before the throne.
Besides the spiritual implication of prostration, I think it is important to learn to be physically prostrate as an outward sign of an inward decision. Many congregations don’t practice prostration, even though it is one of the most biblical forms of expressing worship. I believe it would be good to reinstate it into our worship services.
There is something that happens in our heart when we kneel and bow before His Majesty. It is a good exercise for our flesh, just to remind it who is in control of our body.
Occasionally, in a conference or other meeting, the Lord has led us to prostrate ourselves before Him. I cannot describe the feeling that comes over me when thousands of people bend their knees and bow before the great King as they pour out their hearts to Him. It is indescribable!
Looking upon that kind of scene, I can almost imagine how it is going to be in heaven when we are all around the great throne, from which emanates the wonderful light of His presence. There we will bow, receiving the warmth of His love, prostrate with our crowns thrown at His feet. Let us begin to learn, right now, to bend our knee in humility before Him, acknowledging His great power and glory.
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, today I choose to bow before You in worship. As I kneel before Your throne, I acknowledge with all my heart that You are the only true God.
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