Sunday, July 06, 2008
Walking in the Spirit
Dr. Betty R. Price
Christians are in constant warfare with a tricky enemy who refuses to give up. It is a spiritual battle that gets hotter as time goes on. When we are living for God, we become target practice for the devil. It doesn't mean that we are necessarily doing anything wrong when things come against us; it is just the way Satan plays his game. If you are doing something you have no business doing and you know it, you need to stop whatever it is, because you are only opening yourself up to satanic attacks.
When cancer attacked my body, a lot of people who knew me wondered why. Some even said, "It is not fair; you live so pure." You don't get healed because you are good and live pure. You get healed because you believe and act on the Word-God honors His Word if we will believe it.
A lot of people don't understand how faith works. They take the faith message all out of proportion. They don't understand that when you say you believe something has taken place before you see it, healing for example, you are saying it by faith. They think that means you don't take medicine or you don't go to the doctor. On the contrary, you need to go to the doctor and take medicine while you make a stand to receive your healing.
When I found out I had cancer, we had just returned from a television crusade in Houston, Texas. A doctor referred to us by a member of our church came by our home; took a look at my leg and said to Fred, "Your wife needs to go to the hospital immediately." He called and made the necessary arrangements. We thought that it was just a sprain or a strained muscle, and I would be home within a day or so. I actually stayed a week in the hospital having tests done before they found out what was wrong with me. At any rate, I never did get anxious, worried, or fearful. I was at peace the whole time; I had learned to walk in the Spirit.
The first night I was in the hospital, I felt the Lord's presence so strongly that I knew He had come into my room, and I heard in my spirit, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it (John 11:4)."
So, instead of dwelling on thoughts of death, I kept my thoughts on God's Word. That is why I want to exhort you not to take the Word for granted. If I had not had 20 years of Word in me at that time, I don't believe I would be here today. When you hear the word "cancer," fear will raise its ugly head (it's only natural), but you don't allow the fear to take hold. I believe fear a lot of times is what actually kills people, so I would not allow myself to be fearful.
Second Corinthians 10:5 tells us what to do with negative thoughts:
Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
So when Satan comes and tells you, "You are going to die," you have to know that the Bible says, "With Jesus stripes you were healed," so your confession is, "I believe I'm healed..."
Hebrews 11:1 says:
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Faith is the evidence that you have what you have prayed for. I would tell myself, "I don't see it now. But by faith I have it. Faith is the tangibility of my healing." Most people want to go by sight and by the way they feel. But I had the faith principles so ingrained in me that when the attack on my body came, I knew how to stand and not let fear come in. Now your situation may not be a healing one, maybe it's a financial problem or a husband or wife problem or children problems. Whatever the problem, you can apply the same faith principles and be victorious too!
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