David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam-.-.-.-And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; —1 Samuel 22:1-2
When David and his men went into the cave, they were discouraged, in debt, and defeated. In the natural they had plenty to be discouraged about, but they were in the cave with God's anointed King. They became intimately acquainted with David, and the anointing on David's life rubbed off on them. When David's men came out of the cave, they were mighty, valiant men of war! Spend intimate time with God and receive His anointing on your life.
In the presence of the anointing, you will grow stronger and more assured than ever before. Stay in the presence of the Anointed One—Jesus the Christ. Refuse to leave His presence. There you will come to know intimately the One who died for you.
You will come out stronger and surer than when you went into the cave with God. Your steps are ordered of the Lord, so expect signs and wonders to follow you. Proclaim boldly, "I have been with the Lord God Jehovah, and I am ready to reap the harvest He has prepared!"
Lord, before I kill any giants, let me spend time with You, the killer of giants. I know that You have defeated all the giants in my life. Draw me close to You so that I might be immersed in Your anointing. Amen.
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