Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price
There has been a traditional idea that praying is praying, prayer is prayer, and if you pray, you pray and that is it. However, there are different kinds of prayers, just like there are different kinds of sports, and each kind of prayer, like each sport, has specific and definite rules that govern and control their success. If you misapply the prayer rules your prayer will not work.
Too many Christians do not understand this prayer concept and think they have to end every prayer with "...if it be thy will". But I'm frank to tell you that not every prayer should be ended with "if it be thy will" despite what you have heard in the past. When you're praying individually what's called the prayer of faith, you should never end it with 'if it be thy will' because if you do, it won't work, it won't compute.
The prayer of consecration and dedication is a prayer that has to do with fulfilling God's purpose and desire for your life. You wouldn't use "if it be thy will" in reference to a job or where you are going to live or anything like that. God doesn't care where you live. God can use you anywhere you live or work. There are probably folk at AT&T, General Motors, Chrysler Corporation, Sony Corporation who need to be saved. So God can use you anywhere you choose to work or live.
In regards to the prayer of faith let us read I John 5:14-15: "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."
As I have said time and time again, our words are so very important and even more so when it comes to praying and the confession that follows our prayers. A person once asked me, "Pastor Price, it says in verse 15 that 'if we know' then why can't we pray I know that I have received." Well, because the Word of God says I have to "believe" the Word. The reason our confession is stated in this manner is to claim in faith what God has already fulfilled by His Word. Verse 14-15 again, "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us. And if we know that He hears us...." How do we know that He hears us? Well, God said He did. But you may say, "I never heard the Father say He heard me." Since we never heard God talk to us personally, we have to believe that He heard us, don't we? Therefore, it is a matter of our faith in His Word.
Well on my end I know He heard me because He said He did. I know it but I only know it by faith because I read it in His Word. But I don't have it in manifestation, so I have to believe what I see in the Word and claim it.
Therefore, my confession has to be "I believe it." The reason I believe I have whatever I prayed for is because His Word told me to "know it." As you can see that knowing is still based on a faith proposition at this point; because I don't have whatever I prayed for yet. I don't have it tangible in my hands so I still have to believe it, in accordance with Mark 11:24: "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
You must keep in mind that believing is not a matter of feelings or emotions; it's a matter of your will. It's an act of your will. You can believe anything you will to believe and you can disbelieve anything you will to disbelieve. Your feelings, your emotions have nothing to do with it. It's an act of the will. You must will to believe God's Word and confess His Word over the circumstances of life. This is what will bring to pass the promises of God in your life.
This article was excerpted from Dr. Price's teaching, "Answered Prayer Guaranteed!" now available in book, DVD and CD products. Please call us at (800) 927-3436 or visit our website at

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