Soooo, what's the real story behind these two celebrations we call Hanukkah and Christmas?
Although the holiday of Hanukkah is not a high holy day, it is preserved in the books of 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees and observed. The holiday of Hanukkah, or Feast of Lights, celebrates the events which took place over 2,300 years ago in Israel. It begins in the reign of Alexander the Great, who conquered Syria, Egypt, and Palestine, but allowed the lands under his control to continue observing their own religions and retain a certain degree of autonomy. About 100 years later, Antiochus IV rose to power in the region. He began to oppress the Jews severely, placing a Hellenistic priest in the Temple, massacring Jews, prohibiting the practice of the Jewish religion, and desecrating the Temple by requiring the sacrifice of pigs on the altar. One of the groups which opposed Antiochus was led by Mattathias and his son Judah Maccabee.
The Maccabees succeeded in driving the Syrian army out of their land. They cleansed and re-dedicated the Temple. When it came time to re-light the Menorah, they searched the entire Temple, but only one small jar of oil bearing the pure seal of the High Priest could be found. Miraculously, the small jar of oil burned for eight days, until a new supply of oil could be brought. From then on, Jews everywhere have observed a holiday for eight days in honor of this historic victory and the miracle of the oil. The observance of Hanukkah features the lighting of a special menorah with eight branches, adding one new candle each night.
I are asking yourself that as a Christian, how does anything with a miracle that happened centuries ago and the Jewish Temple’s re-dedication in Israel have any relevance to our walk of faith? Simple. God’s miracles are still worth celebrating today! The past miracles, the present miracles, and the future miracles! And as Christians, we believe in the redemptive work of a Jewish carpenter, Jesus, who was a practicing Jew, also celebrated Hanukkah! So, if it's good enough for our Jesus to celebrate, it very well is good enough for us Christians or at least myself as a Christian, to celebrate also.
“At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem; it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon” John 10:22-23. In the same Gospel, John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life”.
Even though as Christians we are not bound by law or tradition to celebrate the Feast of Lights, our Christian faith is rooted in Hebraic tradition. We, along with our Jewish friends, worship the one true God–the God of many miracles! As we celebrate the birth of our Savior this Christmas, what a beautiful addition it might be to also include a menorah; reminding us about God’s provision in our lives beginning with the Christmas story, as witnessed in the miracle of the oil, and then rededicating ourselves to Jesus, the perfect and everlasting Light of the World.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
By Maggie A. Escoto
Psalm 91 speaks directly to everyone's fear and need of safety and security. It is very clear in verse 1 that God's thought of protection for us was at the very forefront of His mind. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." When we are in danger we automatically run to seek shelter by covering ourselves with the hope that harm will not come. No guarantees here. But God, on other other hand, promises that if we dwell or abide in His secret place, that place where we meet with God whether it is in a closet, a quiet spot at the lake, or in one of our favorite rooms in the house, He will protect us and keep us from harm as we remain in His presence (shadow).
Psalm 91 speaks directly to everyone's fear and need of safety and security. It is very clear in verse 1 that God's thought of protection for us was at the very forefront of His mind. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." When we are in danger we automatically run to seek shelter by covering ourselves with the hope that harm will not come. No guarantees here. But God, on other other hand, promises that if we dwell or abide in His secret place, that place where we meet with God whether it is in a closet, a quiet spot at the lake, or in one of our favorite rooms in the house, He will protect us and keep us from harm as we remain in His presence (shadow).
Sunday, September 30, 2012
By: Maggie A. Escoto
People seek love in many different places. When find the person we have many feelings and emotions for them. Sometimes we love to the point of not being able to live without them. They become our entire world and we love them with all our heart, mind and soul. This could be said of our children, parents, relatives, and friends. My question is, "Why do we have a difficult time loving God in the same way?" Why can't we love God with all our heart, mind and soul (Matthew 22:37)? He has given us everything we need as well as the ability to love Him. He commands us to love Him with everything we have above all things and everyone else.
Give your attention to what Jesus called the greatest responsibility of them all: loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus had already distinguished Himself as a teacher and healer. He had already upset the religious establishment of His day. He had already commissioned His disciples and made His final approach to Jerusalem. Then Jesus took a question from the crowd: "What is the most important commandment of all? What has been Your guiding light and prevailing vision? What do You stand for, in 10 words or less?"
Jesus never missed a beat. He came up with a show-stopping, winning 6-second sound bite: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength." "Love God with all your passion, prayer, intelligence, and energy." (The Message). "Understand this, put it into practice, and you won't be far from the reign of God itself." (Mark 12:30, 34).
No one would dare to ask Jesus another question. Everything flows from this one central doctrine. That was exactly why He came into the world - to show people how to love. When asked to break it down, after years of demonstration, He placed the spiritual first and the social second. He placed our love for God at the hub of the wheel. It looks like this: 1) God 2) Spouse 3) Children/Family 4)Work 5) Ministry 6) Everything else.
Passion, it has been said, is the very fact of God in us. To love God, we must begin by wanting to love God above everyone and everything else in the world. If we don't want it that badly, it will never happen at all. There is too much to distract us. Too much to keep us busy. Too much to discourage us. These are all, as Deuteronomy says, tests of the Spirit. Loving God is neither an easy nor a natural thing to do. Think about the difficulties involved with loving even one other person fully and completely. Here at least we have a commonality of experience, dimension, and proportion. It is even more difficult to love God fully and completely, since our experiences, dimensions, and proportions are so totally different. We are perishable; God is imperishable. We are limited, God is unlimited. We are changeable, God is unchangeable. The beauty, truth, and justice of God is just beyond us.
Jesus said, "Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened. Ask, and it shall be given." He was not talking about the things of this world, but about the things of God. When we seek the kingdom of God first, all things will be added (Matthew 6:33)....right relationships, prosperous business deals, restored and healed relationships, healed emotions, etc. etc.
Lord, please draw me near to you as you promise in Your Word (James 4:8). I long and desire to learn how to dwell in Your presence and have a more intimate relationship with You. Teach me what I need to learn in order to know You better. I want to know all the truth about who You say You are (Psalm 145:18).
I am open and submit myself to whatever You want to do in me. I want to know You as my Healer, my Deliverer, my Redeemer, and my Comforter. I need to know You today as my (insert a name). I believe and trust You will be that to me.
God, help me to set time aside to get to know You. Enable me to resist anything that would keep me from it. Teach me to pray the way you want me to. Help me to learn more about You. Put people in my life that will help me know You more. Lord, you said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink" (John 7:37). I thirst for more of You because I am in a dry place without You.
Lord, draw me close so that I may dwell in Your presence like never before.
People seek love in many different places. When find the person we have many feelings and emotions for them. Sometimes we love to the point of not being able to live without them. They become our entire world and we love them with all our heart, mind and soul. This could be said of our children, parents, relatives, and friends. My question is, "Why do we have a difficult time loving God in the same way?" Why can't we love God with all our heart, mind and soul (Matthew 22:37)? He has given us everything we need as well as the ability to love Him. He commands us to love Him with everything we have above all things and everyone else.
Give your attention to what Jesus called the greatest responsibility of them all: loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus had already distinguished Himself as a teacher and healer. He had already upset the religious establishment of His day. He had already commissioned His disciples and made His final approach to Jerusalem. Then Jesus took a question from the crowd: "What is the most important commandment of all? What has been Your guiding light and prevailing vision? What do You stand for, in 10 words or less?"
Jesus never missed a beat. He came up with a show-stopping, winning 6-second sound bite: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength." "Love God with all your passion, prayer, intelligence, and energy." (The Message). "Understand this, put it into practice, and you won't be far from the reign of God itself." (Mark 12:30, 34).
No one would dare to ask Jesus another question. Everything flows from this one central doctrine. That was exactly why He came into the world - to show people how to love. When asked to break it down, after years of demonstration, He placed the spiritual first and the social second. He placed our love for God at the hub of the wheel. It looks like this: 1) God 2) Spouse 3) Children/Family 4)Work 5) Ministry 6) Everything else.
Passion, it has been said, is the very fact of God in us. To love God, we must begin by wanting to love God above everyone and everything else in the world. If we don't want it that badly, it will never happen at all. There is too much to distract us. Too much to keep us busy. Too much to discourage us. These are all, as Deuteronomy says, tests of the Spirit. Loving God is neither an easy nor a natural thing to do. Think about the difficulties involved with loving even one other person fully and completely. Here at least we have a commonality of experience, dimension, and proportion. It is even more difficult to love God fully and completely, since our experiences, dimensions, and proportions are so totally different. We are perishable; God is imperishable. We are limited, God is unlimited. We are changeable, God is unchangeable. The beauty, truth, and justice of God is just beyond us.
Jesus said, "Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened. Ask, and it shall be given." He was not talking about the things of this world, but about the things of God. When we seek the kingdom of God first, all things will be added (Matthew 6:33)....right relationships, prosperous business deals, restored and healed relationships, healed emotions, etc. etc.
Lord, please draw me near to you as you promise in Your Word (James 4:8). I long and desire to learn how to dwell in Your presence and have a more intimate relationship with You. Teach me what I need to learn in order to know You better. I want to know all the truth about who You say You are (Psalm 145:18).
I am open and submit myself to whatever You want to do in me. I want to know You as my Healer, my Deliverer, my Redeemer, and my Comforter. I need to know You today as my (insert a name). I believe and trust You will be that to me.
God, help me to set time aside to get to know You. Enable me to resist anything that would keep me from it. Teach me to pray the way you want me to. Help me to learn more about You. Put people in my life that will help me know You more. Lord, you said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink" (John 7:37). I thirst for more of You because I am in a dry place without You.
Lord, draw me close so that I may dwell in Your presence like never before.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
By Lisa Crum
“Because I said so.” Those four words were about the most abrupt –yet most profound– explanation I would receive as a child, when instructed by my parents or grandparents to do something. As a matter of fact, usually by the time I heard those words, it was because I had exhausted their patience with my “why-ning” (smile) and was skating mighty close to some disciplinary action!
Aren’t we a lot like that with our Heavenly Father sometimes too? The evidence is everywhere as we see common breakdowns in our Christian faith: church splits, confusion, moral plummeting, folks going rogue, and perhaps the saddest of all, believers in general living less than victorious, effective, forward-moving lives. Why? Because instead of heeding God’s instructions the first time around, we often instead go on a geocaching expedition in hopes of unearthing some exemption clause from having to be obedient. Whew…that was a mouthful. But it’s true. Why can’t we just do what He says? After all, He IS God…
Our whole lives, we wrestle with that all-important inquiry, “Why am I here? Why do I exist?” And the answer is just as matter-of-fact as the “Because I said so” we heard from our parents. We are here to achieve God’s purposes, pure and simple. No one is born without a reason. No one is without a Divine purpose. When we sidestep God’s plan, however, and go after our own agenda, is when we see every defining trait we’ve been given turn into something angry, corrupt, vile, perverse. Example? A man of ingenuity and powerful leadership skills becomes a Jim Jones or an Adolf Hitler. I realize that these are the absolute worst-case scenarios, but imagine what could have been if these men would have surrendered their hearts and gifts to God instead of to the enemy. The Apostle Peter was a loudmouthed hothead whose aggressive nature got him into more than one pickle. Yet when his outspoken passion got sanctified by the Holy Ghost, he became the emboldened herald of Pentecost, who preached like he was on fire…because he was! This is what happens when we allow God to harness the best and worst of our nature and guide us in HIS direction.
Oh, that we would just save ourselves years of setbacks and heartache, and just surrender to His will for our lives. We waste so much time trying to become important, trying to gain respect by earning our pea-sized merit badges for the world to admire. Hay and stubble on that Great Day when our works are tried in the fire. Poof! Burned up in a split second. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t get college degrees, promotions on the job, work hard and save up for retirement—BUT! What if, in order to get those things, we have systematically tuned out God’s voice when He tried to lead us another way? I believe with all my heart that anything we gain by disobedience to God will only result in failure and bitter disappointment in the end.
We’re so afraid that if we say “yes” to Him, He’ll make us do something we hate for the rest of our lives. Not so! Whatever was birthed in you to do, when you do it under the covering of His authority, will just “click” into place. It will be the most natural thing, the most satisfying thing you’ve ever done. He may indeed be leading you to go after that 8th consecutive college degree, and He may have even led you to tenaciously pursue the CEO’s chair or a career in professional sports, but if He’s really instructed you to pour all of your heart and soul into an endeavor, it’s still for His glory and a Divine purpose…not to have other people ooh-ing and ahh-ing at all YOU’VE done. Just check your motives, and begin to listen for His instruction.
How do we know whether we’re in His will or not? Sometimes we’ve ignored His voice so long that it’s hard to remember the sound of it. But I challenge you to ask yourself three things:
1. Did God specifically tell me to do this with my life; or, have I heard His call to another purpose and decided to do it later, after I do my own thing first?
2. Is what I’m doing in violation of any part of His Word?
3. If He asked me to sacrifice it on the altar of obedience, would I or could I do it?
Our prayer: “Heavenly Father, thank You first of all for creating me in Your image. I can’t begin to understand why and how You deliberately planned for me a hope and a future, but I want to fulfill that purpose and ultimately to please You and make You glad You willed for me to be born. Take my life and use it fully for your good pleasure. Weed out all the ugly, unproductive things growing in my character, and straighten whatever I may have warped by my disobedience. Every talent, every gift, every ability You’ve instilled within me, I surrender to Your Divine will. Don’t allow me to be satisfied with anything less —and don’t allow me to aspire to be anything more— than exactly what You want for me. I say yes to Your will now, just BECAUSE YOU SAID SO, and I do it in Jesus’ name.”
Scripture of the Day: Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” - Luke 11:28
Thursday, August 23, 2012
by Maggie Escoto
Many of us have been blessed with close friends. If we never spent any time with them and instead just thought and talked about how wonderful these special people are, wouldn’t this behavior be foolish? Yet some Christians do exactly that.
In the face of acquiring a wide range of knowledge about God and the Bible, they miss out on highly favored and prosperous companionship with the Father, the best friend anyone could ever have.
It is possible to occupy our lives with spiritual information and activities, which is all good, but fails to develop a close relationship with the Lord. Here is a quick account to see if this may be true of you: Do you attend church only out of a sense of duty? Do you pray with haughty or repetitive words rather than speaking to God from the heart? Do you serve solely out of obligation?
We read in Scripture about many people whose personal encounter with the Lord was empowering and life-changing. Abraham, Gideon, Moses, and Paul were just a few who spoke with Him one-on-one (Genesis 7:4; Judges 6:12, 14; Exodus 3:2; Acts 9:3-6). Today, we don’t expect theatrical or melodramatic“burning bush” experiences, but every believer should still have cherished, intimate times with God. Whenever we open His Word and invite the Holy Spirit to enliven its meaning, we can directly hear from the heavenly Father.
The Bible tells us, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Walking closely with the Lord takes commitment and time. Start now by dedicating a portion of your day to meeting with your best Friend and experience a life of transformation!
Many of us have been blessed with close friends. If we never spent any time with them and instead just thought and talked about how wonderful these special people are, wouldn’t this behavior be foolish? Yet some Christians do exactly that.
In the face of acquiring a wide range of knowledge about God and the Bible, they miss out on highly favored and prosperous companionship with the Father, the best friend anyone could ever have.
It is possible to occupy our lives with spiritual information and activities, which is all good, but fails to develop a close relationship with the Lord. Here is a quick account to see if this may be true of you: Do you attend church only out of a sense of duty? Do you pray with haughty or repetitive words rather than speaking to God from the heart? Do you serve solely out of obligation?
We read in Scripture about many people whose personal encounter with the Lord was empowering and life-changing. Abraham, Gideon, Moses, and Paul were just a few who spoke with Him one-on-one (Genesis 7:4; Judges 6:12, 14; Exodus 3:2; Acts 9:3-6). Today, we don’t expect theatrical or melodramatic“burning bush” experiences, but every believer should still have cherished, intimate times with God. Whenever we open His Word and invite the Holy Spirit to enliven its meaning, we can directly hear from the heavenly Father.
The Bible tells us, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Walking closely with the Lord takes commitment and time. Start now by dedicating a portion of your day to meeting with your best Friend and experience a life of transformation!
Lessons in Hovering: The Nearness of the Spirit
By John C. Richards, Jr.
Having five siblings can teach you a lot of life lessons. Among those lessons is the practice of hovering. At this point in my life I consider myself a professional “hoverer". I can hover with the best of them. Let me explain the nature of a hoverer. A hoverer is one who waits in anticipation to take advantage of a great opportunity. All they need to proceed? They just need to hear a word. Friday nights in my household I became that person. Reluctant to cook after a long week, my mother would bring home take-out. As soon as she walked in the house, my hands were washed and I was ready. I was so close to the food I could breathe in its fresh aroma. I stood near her, just hovering, until I heard the word: "Go ahead. Dig in."The Bible makes mention of another Hoverer. He might be considered the greatest Hoverer ever. One whose proverbial sandal I am not able to strap. He didn't hover over food. He wasn't trying to satisfy His appetite, just the unfolding plan of the Creator. And His situation wasn't as highly aromatic as mine. In fact, here are a few phrases that describe His environment. Disorderly. Chaotic. Hopeless. Three excellent descriptions of the early appearance of the land mass we have come to know as Earth. There were no awe-inspiring mountains yet. There were no rushing rivers. More importantly, there was no ability to sustain human life. The Earth didn't have a chance. Yet the Spirit of God was present. Hovering. He was merely waiting for the go-ahead from the Father. There's a sense of anticipation as He waits to hear those words: "Let there be light" (see Genesis 1:3). It's like God says, "Go ahead. Dig in." That was His cue. It was time to turn this chaos into order. It was time to replace darkness with light. It was time to turn an abyss into a place of bliss. Six days later the results are awe-inspiring. So beautiful that the Father sits back and declares it all "very good" (see Genesis 1:31).
Ultimately this story finds its way into our own hearts. Although formed and not created, humankind can be described in the same way. Disorderly. Chaotic. Hopeless. At one point in my life, those terms described me with succinct accuracy. But there was a Hoverer present. The Spirit of God was waiting to hear those words from the Father: "Go ahead. Dig in." And did He ever! He breathed on me. I was like the Earth. A life seemingly devoid of the presence of God, yet the Spirit was hovering. And something amazing happened. Minerals began to appear, creating salt (see Matthew 5:13). Darkness began to fade, disseminating light (see Matthew 5:16). Rivers of living water began to flow out of my life (see John 7:38). And my heart began to change.
Paul reminds us all of that day in a letter to the Church at Corinth: "For God, who said 'Let light shine out of darkness’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6 ESV). Not only are the opening verses of Genesis about the Earth's creation, but also your heart's re-creation…through grace. Today, be grateful for God invading your world and "digging in". Be grateful for the Great Hoverer, the Spirit of God. Continue to allow Him to breathe on you. And as you do, trust me, the Father sits back and declares those timeless words: "Very good!"
Scripture of the Day: "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." - Genesis 1:2 (NKJV)
Monday, July 30, 2012
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Pastor Troy Gamling |
“Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.” Phil 4:11 (Paul)
What does it take for us to say we have enough? Many who struggle with this answer the question of “enough?” with “just one more.” But where does it stop?
According to the Barna Research Group, the average American
adult believes he needs an additional $8,000–$11,000 per year to live comfortably. Tracking studies show, however, that even when adults reach or exceed the income levels to which they aspired, they still claim they need another $8,000–$11,000 to live comfortably.
To those that struggle with contentment... there will never be enough. It will always lie one arms length beyond their ability to sleep at night. Those that live in this camp wonder when the next one will be and never cherish what is.
Their entire existence is based on what they might miss out on by not having more.
Today’s verse helps with this. Godliness with contentment, Paul says, is of great value. In fact, he goes on to tell the churches in Philipi that he has “learned how to be content with whatever I have.” [sic].
What was Paul’s secret? What helped him move from greedy to grateful? It’s simple. Perspective. Paul saw that his needs were met and that was enough. He probably had wants...things that he’d like to have in his life... but he realized that these were superfluous to his mission. Paul was sent to spread the Gospel... and help those around him find Christ as Lord. He knew that God would provide whatever he needed to fulfill his calling.
In the fifth century, a man named Arsenius determined to live a holy life. So he abandoned the conforms of Egyptian society to follow a simple lifestyle in the desert. Yet whenever he visited the great city of Alexandria, he spent time wandering through its shops. Asked why, he explained that his heart rejoiced at the sight of all the things he didn’t need.
Are you focused on the things you need instead of pining for the things you don’t? That’s our goal today... to change our point of view as to what’s important. God will provide those things for you. No need to worry... He knows your needs and will meet them every time.
I suggest taking the energy you might spend on acquiring wants and invest it in other areas. Read more, study the Bible more, take care of your body more, journal more, or serve others more... So many things we can do to BE more rather than just HAVE more.
It was once said, “Be content with what you have, never with what you are.”
Good advice...
Monday, June 25, 2012
"I beg you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop arguing
among yourselves. Let there be real harmony so that there won’t
be splits in the church. I plead with you to be of one mind, united
in thought and purpose." (1 Corinthians 1:10 LB)
Stop trying to win arguments. Instead, make it your goal to love those who disagree with you. Go for the love, not the win. Jesus tells us love will always win; he guaranteed that when he walked out of the tomb. When you find yourself in an argument with other believers, use these biblical guidelines for getting along: Let mercy guide your response (Proverbs 3:3–6). In a conflict, most of us say we only want what’s fair, but God’s approach isn’t about being fair. It’s about grace and mercy (Romans 5:8). Let God determine the truth (2 Corinthians 13:8). The truth is not determined by your thoughts or feelings (1 John 4:1) or the opinions of others. Truth is what God says it is; he is the sole authority for interpreting any situation (2 Corinthians 10:5). The Bible says we shouldn’trely on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), that what appears to be right to us may very well be wrong (Proverbs 14:12). Look for God’s presence (Matthew 28:20). Satan wants us to believe we’re in the battle alone. Follow the example of the young shepherd boy, David, who believed God was in the fight and that the battle belonged to the Lord (1 Samuel 17:47). Look for the conflict’s true source (Ephesians 6:12). According to God’s Word, we’re really not fighting other people; our real enemy is Satan and his “unseen spiritual forces of wickedness.” Lay down human weapons (2 Corinthians 10:4–5). When we try to meet our own needs, working independently of God, we tend to use what the Apostle Paul called weapons of the flesh. These include: manipulation, gossip, slander, ridicule, threats, blame, nagging, deception, and silence. When we use them, we end up in an “evil for evil” cycle, and that’s like trying to fight a skunk with “stink” — everybody loses! prayer is a powerful spiritual weapon. After we put on the whole armor of God, we’re to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18 NIV). |
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sharon Jaynes
Today’s Truth
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 188:24 NIV)
Friend to Friend
It was just a quick check-up at the doctor’s office…or at least that’s what it was supposed to be. My “to-do-list” resembled a mile-long scroll and several deadlines loomed like a thunder cloud ready to burst. But, the appointment would take just a few minutes. Just enough time to catch my breath.
“Good morning Mrs. Jaynes,” the cheery receptionist greeted. “May I see your insurance card please?”
We went through the regular check-in procedure and then I settled in a comfy chair with a magazine that I would not have normally read. I knew I wouldn’t have time to read a full-length article…since this was just a quick visit. My, oh my, the trouble those Hollywood folks get into.
Ten minutes turned into fifteen turned into twenty turned into thirty. My to-do list began growing heavier and heavier in my mind.
“Excuse me,” I interrupted the receptionist. “My appointment was thirty minutes ago. Did they forget me?”
“I’m so sorry,” she reassured me. “I’ll check on it right away.”
In just a few moments, a nurse appeared at the door. “Mrs. Jaynes, come right this way.”
My second stop was into a stark treatment room with more magazines. “Oh well, let’s see what Brittany did last year,” I mumbled to myself. At least I was in the room. That was good.
The clock continued to tick. With each passing minute my frustration grew. “I’m glad he’s not checking my blood pressure,” I grumbled to no one in particular.
Fifty minutes after I had walked into the office for my quick 5-minute check-up, the doctor himself walked into my room. My to-do list was magnified in my mind. My time was important too, you know. I didn’t have time to sit around and read out-dated gossip magazines!
The doctor was actually a friend of mine, but I was feeling less than friendly. Ice Queen is a description that comes to mind when I think of my probable appearance.
“Hi Sharon,” he began. “I’m sorry you have had to wait so long. I have been with a patient and had to tell her that she has terminal cancer. It took longer than I thought.”
Suddenly, my icy countenance began to melt into a puddle on the shiny tile floor and tears pooled in my eyes. I was upset about not checking insignificant frivolous errands off my to-do list, and the woman in the next room was pondering how she was going to spend her last days on earth. I envisioned her walking to her car and coming up with a brand new to-do list for her day.
#1 Live well
#2 Love well
Yes, I did have a check-up that day. God was the doctor and He looked into my heart to see that my perspective on life needed surgery. What’s really important? My silly list of errands? No. What should be at the top of my to-do list today and every day is: #1 Live well. #2 Love well. Celebrate each day as an incredible gift from God.
Let’s Pray
Dear God, Thank You for another day of life. Sometimes I can get so caught up in my silly little lists that I lose perspective of the true meaning of life. Help me to live my days glorifying You with every breath that I take and step that I make.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
What is at the top of your to do list today?
Consider making a new to do list and including what you think God would have you do today.
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 188:24 NIV)
Friend to Friend
It was just a quick check-up at the doctor’s office…or at least that’s what it was supposed to be. My “to-do-list” resembled a mile-long scroll and several deadlines loomed like a thunder cloud ready to burst. But, the appointment would take just a few minutes. Just enough time to catch my breath.
“Good morning Mrs. Jaynes,” the cheery receptionist greeted. “May I see your insurance card please?”
We went through the regular check-in procedure and then I settled in a comfy chair with a magazine that I would not have normally read. I knew I wouldn’t have time to read a full-length article…since this was just a quick visit. My, oh my, the trouble those Hollywood folks get into.
Ten minutes turned into fifteen turned into twenty turned into thirty. My to-do list began growing heavier and heavier in my mind.
“Excuse me,” I interrupted the receptionist. “My appointment was thirty minutes ago. Did they forget me?”
“I’m so sorry,” she reassured me. “I’ll check on it right away.”
In just a few moments, a nurse appeared at the door. “Mrs. Jaynes, come right this way.”
My second stop was into a stark treatment room with more magazines. “Oh well, let’s see what Brittany did last year,” I mumbled to myself. At least I was in the room. That was good.
The clock continued to tick. With each passing minute my frustration grew. “I’m glad he’s not checking my blood pressure,” I grumbled to no one in particular.
Fifty minutes after I had walked into the office for my quick 5-minute check-up, the doctor himself walked into my room. My to-do list was magnified in my mind. My time was important too, you know. I didn’t have time to sit around and read out-dated gossip magazines!
The doctor was actually a friend of mine, but I was feeling less than friendly. Ice Queen is a description that comes to mind when I think of my probable appearance.
“Hi Sharon,” he began. “I’m sorry you have had to wait so long. I have been with a patient and had to tell her that she has terminal cancer. It took longer than I thought.”
Suddenly, my icy countenance began to melt into a puddle on the shiny tile floor and tears pooled in my eyes. I was upset about not checking insignificant frivolous errands off my to-do list, and the woman in the next room was pondering how she was going to spend her last days on earth. I envisioned her walking to her car and coming up with a brand new to-do list for her day.
#1 Live well
#2 Love well
Yes, I did have a check-up that day. God was the doctor and He looked into my heart to see that my perspective on life needed surgery. What’s really important? My silly list of errands? No. What should be at the top of my to-do list today and every day is: #1 Live well. #2 Love well. Celebrate each day as an incredible gift from God.
Let’s Pray
Dear God, Thank You for another day of life. Sometimes I can get so caught up in my silly little lists that I lose perspective of the true meaning of life. Help me to live my days glorifying You with every breath that I take and step that I make.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
What is at the top of your to do list today?
Consider making a new to do list and including what you think God would have you do today.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Military Life
It’s amazing when one becomes part of a military family,
directly or indirectly, the perspective of holidays such as Memorial Day, Independence
Day, and Veterans Day change. The view
is no longer how most people view these holidays: as a long weekend to just
unwind, go on vacation, shopping for sales, etc. etc. Yesterday I asked someone what their family
was doing for the holiday and I was at least expecting to hear, “family coming
over for bbq” but instead I got, “Nothing, we don’t know any fallen military.”
Hmmmmmm…I found that to be interesting.
surprising as I used to think along the same lines...didn’t really give much
thought about the men and women who have sacrificed not only their lives but also
the sacrifice that the soldiers’ families also make that we would take for
granted the freedoms that we have been given because of them. By the way, if
you compare their sacrifice of EVERYTHING to their pay is nothing to write home
about (but that is another story and pet peeve for another day).
life, people make sacrifices for the well-being of themselves and others. The
call of a sacrifice should be a personal decision or life practices for a
better coexistence. However, this is not true for American soldiers, their
duties call for sacrifices.
soldiers sacrifice their lives for the nation and pledge allegiance to the
constitution that they will serve with devotion. This makes them U.S. property;
they do not have control of their lives like other citizens because the call
requires them to be alert at all times. Their social, political, economical,
and other aspects of life are controlled and monitored by the government. They
go to war and defend the nation at the expense of their lives. Like men and
women of the forces who have served the country against attacks in the past
wars, the current soldiers still lay their lives for the sake of the nation.
American soldiers constantly fight oppression and tyranny, which faces the
nation and other nations. Unrestrained, terrorism and the danger of terrorism,
whether done abroad or on American soil, threaten our prosperity, our culture,
and our means of life. The responsibility for combating and overcoming these evil
acts lies with our military services and our alliance allies.
these are just the basics.
Culture Sacrifices
soldiers' sacrifices are rarely noticed or given deserving attention. Did you know that the soldier who goes to
fight in other regions sacrifices the culture practices of United State? These
soldiers suffer harsh cultural and religious practices, which are practiced in
these foreign nations. Some of the soldiers have been executed due to these
cultural differences. Women in the American armed forces, who are stationed in
Afghanistan and other Arab nations, are sacrificing the protection their Kevlar
helmet gives to comply with Islamic ethnicity. These practices are said to protect
their existence and save their lives during their duties. This change of
identity in order to serve or perform your duty is a call for sacrifice for
many. They have been demanded to cover their heads with a scarf known as hijab,
so as to be accepted to stay in these nations. This is political correctness,
which is creating havoc on the American military. These are sacrifices that
affect the individuals so much since they involve changing lifestyle. These
soldiers have to forfeit their cultural activities they use to enjoy before
joining the forces. They have to form new culture, which take times to
incorporate into life style.
Living Standards
luxurious life, which people tend to enjoy and properly plan for is a thing the
military dreams of. The job jurisdictions make them to be alert at all. They
sacrifice the living standard because their jobs dictate where they can stay
and what particular activities they are allowed to be involved in. The soldiers
sacrifice every bit of their living because they have to live in accordance to
the code of conduct given to them. The
life style is checked in that everything is timetabled and must be adhered to,
from the sleeping hours, eating habit, exercise practices, and social
activities. Having the uniform for identification are segregation factors and
defining tactics of their existence. Their
social, political, economical as well as other aspects of life is control and
monitored by the government. The social life style of an officer is always
restricted and checked so as not to interfere with duty. The U.S soldier is politically restricted
from engaging in politics of the nations, and only allowed to protect the
constitution of the nation.
these are to name just a few.
talk a little bit about the families left behind in the face of deployment.
Many politicians,
including the President, over the years proclaim, “I understand what the
families of our service members go through,” but with all due respect, they
have absolutely no clue, especially if they have never served their country
thru the military.
Until you live in
their shoes every day for the duration of a combat deployment, none of us can
truly understand the full measure of what they suffer. At least those in the
military get the pat on the back. But what notoriety do their family members
receive for the silent sacrifice they make? There is virtually no recognition.
servicemen and women would unequivocally agree that without the heroic
sacrifice a spouse makes at home while away in the war zone, they wouldn’t be
as effective on the front lines. Military spouses
keep the homefront going. We admire your dedication and commitment to your
families, your spouses who fight for our freedom, and our country. Not just
anyone can do the job that is required of a military spouse. The military
spouses are a people that are strong, dedicated, loving, and supportive under
the most extreme and stressful situations. They fill the role of both mother
and father to their children while their loved ones are deployed. They put
their careers on hold due to constant relocation. They have to keep it together
all while knowing their loved ones are in a war zone. Under the worse of
circumstances, their loved ones come back wounded or pay the ultimate
sacrifice. In those situations, the military spouses are thrown into the role
of a caregivers to their Wounded Warrior or they become military widows/widowers.
These men and women offer up their goals and dreams,
their livelihoods, and their futures on the altar of this Nation. They are
every bit as much our Nation’s heroes as those who wear the uniform and their
sacrifices must not be swept under the rug when the stories of these wars are
told. Nor should we allow Congress or the American people to argue that these
men and women who give up their lives to become full-time caregivers to wounded
warriors should go unpaid and unrecognized for their efforts on the Nation’s
Military spouses are our Unsung Heroes!
What can we do for our military families?
There are so many things we can do for them and they are
as simple as:
1. Thank them
and tell how much you appreciate their service
2. Pay for a soldier’s meal or the families’ meal if
resources allow
3. Give the couple a date night and offer to babysit
their children
4. Pray for the military families
5. Give them gift
certificates for massages and spa treatments.
There is so much that one can do if we choose to be
Soldiers Payer
Psalm 91 (NIV)Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation. ”
Military Spouse’s Prayer
Lord, give me the greatness of heart to see the difference between duty and
his/her love for me. Give me
understanding that I may know, when duty calls him/her, he/she must go. Give me a task to do each day, to fill the
time when he/she is away. Lord when he/she is in a foreign land, keep him/her
safe in your loving hand, when duty is in field, please protect him/her and be
his/her shield. And Lord, when
deployment is so long, please stay with me and keep me strong. Amen.Prayer for Military Families
may the families of our military personnel – their spouses, children, and
parents – cast all their cares and burdens upon You. Instead of being worried or filled with
anxiety, may they pray about everything that concerns them and everything that
concerns their soldier’s life and deployment.
As You promised, then cause Your peace, which surpasses all
understanding, to guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Grant all our military troops this same
peace, and let them feel the love we have for them even though we are far
1Peter 5:7,
Amplified; Philippians 4:6-7
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
By: Ching Co
These past weeks, I felt the Lord leading me to do certain things like sorting through my old records, files and to do housecleaning (throwing out things that are no longer useful to me). This gave me time to work and talk with the Lord. In the process, I found myself sharing my struggles with Him.
I felt that I have not done enough for Him. As I go over the years past, I noticed that many times I felt the Lord leading me to do something which I obeyed wholeheartedly, then along the way events overtook me and I had to let go of those projects and let go of the vision.
These experiences make me feel like I have been a failure. The enemy of our soul has been quick to pick up the momentum to continually use these memories to torment us about our shortcomings. Many times I felt that I have missed my calling, failed the Lord and am a total failure. I was in this state of mind when the Lord interrupted me with that “small still voice” to give me His message. Furthermore, it was impressed to me that this message is not for me alone. Many of God’s warriors are standing in the same place where I am now. So my prayer is that as I share this message with the body of Christ, that you please allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart as well.
First, God brought to my mind the prophet Jeremiah, and how in the midst of the calamity that was about to befall Jerusalem, God asked the prophet to buy a field which, if taken on face value, was a very foolish act. These were Jeremiah’s words to Baruch and the other witnesses:
“In their presence, I gave Baruch these instructions: ... ‘Take these documents, both the sealed and unsealed copies of the deed of purchase, and put them in a clay jar so they will last a long time. For this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Houses, fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land’” (Jer. 32:13-15, NIV).
“Once more fields will be bought in this land which you say, ‘It is a desolate waste, without men or animals, for it has been handed over to the Babylonians.’ Fields will be bought for silver, and deeds will be signed, sealed and witnessed ... because I will restore their fortunes, declares the Lord” (Jer. 32:43-44).
Then, the Lord reminded me of the story of Hosea who married an adulterous wife and took her back, even when she left Hosea for another man (Hosea 1, 3). As I was pondering what these stories have to do with my own situation, I felt the Holy Spirit speaking the words below to me. As always, please test them and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.
“When you obey Me, great things are taking place in the heavenlies. My beloved, you know that I do not see as a man does, nor do I act as a human does. Even the smallest thing that you do for Me has great significance in the kingdom of God. Therefore, listen and I will explain to you the spiritual significance of your life. You, beloved, are called ‘children and saints of the Most High God.’ Your very life is an intercession for God’s kingdom to be established on earth. Every word that you speak, every action that you take, must not be judged nor measured by their outward appearance because all these have greater spiritual value.
“Look at Jeremiah and Hosea; when they followed My command, their actions were prophetic declarations of what is in My heart. They were symbolic of things that are happening and of things to come. The same is true with you today. Many times I will call you to do things which appear foolish, unreasonable and insignificant in the eyes of men. But when you obey Me, great things are taking place in the heavenlies.
“Nations are being marked, families are being saved, spiritual barriers are being broken and My kingdom is being push forward. Every action that you make has meaning. When I asked you to do physical housecleaning, and as you began to throw away things that are not needed, so I am also doing housecleaning in the hearts and minds of men and even in the midst of nations. Begin to listen intently and you will hear and see the Holy Spirit showing you people, nations and visions of the significance of these actions.
“At times, scenes from war movies will be brought to your mind. You will see soldiers marking boundaries, breaking enemy barriers and claiming lands for their leader. As you have seen them in your spirit, and as you act them out and declare them, so the same is already happening in the heavenlies. These pictures represent angels carrying out your orders as you declare them prophetically. As you do your regular exercise and walk around, you will hear the Holy Spirit guiding you of how to claim nations for Me.
“Every step that you take represents something spiritual. As you do any acts led by the Holy Spirit, listen to Him and ask Him for the spiritual meaning and significance for these, and as you do speak them forth. Just know My precious ones that nothing you do is insignificant. Do not worry about the end result of what you are lead to do. Just do what I told you to do. And one day, when we are together, you will understand the importance of your obedience to Me.
“This day, I pour down a new anointing upon you all. Go, declare, and take My kingdom back for Me from the clutches of the enemy. Remember: I am God. I am in control. I love you dearly.”
This is the message of the Lord for His children this season. Amen and amen, Lord.
These past weeks, I felt the Lord leading me to do certain things like sorting through my old records, files and to do housecleaning (throwing out things that are no longer useful to me). This gave me time to work and talk with the Lord. In the process, I found myself sharing my struggles with Him.
I felt that I have not done enough for Him. As I go over the years past, I noticed that many times I felt the Lord leading me to do something which I obeyed wholeheartedly, then along the way events overtook me and I had to let go of those projects and let go of the vision.
These experiences make me feel like I have been a failure. The enemy of our soul has been quick to pick up the momentum to continually use these memories to torment us about our shortcomings. Many times I felt that I have missed my calling, failed the Lord and am a total failure. I was in this state of mind when the Lord interrupted me with that “small still voice” to give me His message. Furthermore, it was impressed to me that this message is not for me alone. Many of God’s warriors are standing in the same place where I am now. So my prayer is that as I share this message with the body of Christ, that you please allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart as well.
First, God brought to my mind the prophet Jeremiah, and how in the midst of the calamity that was about to befall Jerusalem, God asked the prophet to buy a field which, if taken on face value, was a very foolish act. These were Jeremiah’s words to Baruch and the other witnesses:
“In their presence, I gave Baruch these instructions: ... ‘Take these documents, both the sealed and unsealed copies of the deed of purchase, and put them in a clay jar so they will last a long time. For this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Houses, fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land’” (Jer. 32:13-15, NIV).
“Once more fields will be bought in this land which you say, ‘It is a desolate waste, without men or animals, for it has been handed over to the Babylonians.’ Fields will be bought for silver, and deeds will be signed, sealed and witnessed ... because I will restore their fortunes, declares the Lord” (Jer. 32:43-44).
Then, the Lord reminded me of the story of Hosea who married an adulterous wife and took her back, even when she left Hosea for another man (Hosea 1, 3). As I was pondering what these stories have to do with my own situation, I felt the Holy Spirit speaking the words below to me. As always, please test them and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart.
“When you obey Me, great things are taking place in the heavenlies. My beloved, you know that I do not see as a man does, nor do I act as a human does. Even the smallest thing that you do for Me has great significance in the kingdom of God. Therefore, listen and I will explain to you the spiritual significance of your life. You, beloved, are called ‘children and saints of the Most High God.’ Your very life is an intercession for God’s kingdom to be established on earth. Every word that you speak, every action that you take, must not be judged nor measured by their outward appearance because all these have greater spiritual value.
“Look at Jeremiah and Hosea; when they followed My command, their actions were prophetic declarations of what is in My heart. They were symbolic of things that are happening and of things to come. The same is true with you today. Many times I will call you to do things which appear foolish, unreasonable and insignificant in the eyes of men. But when you obey Me, great things are taking place in the heavenlies.
“Nations are being marked, families are being saved, spiritual barriers are being broken and My kingdom is being push forward. Every action that you make has meaning. When I asked you to do physical housecleaning, and as you began to throw away things that are not needed, so I am also doing housecleaning in the hearts and minds of men and even in the midst of nations. Begin to listen intently and you will hear and see the Holy Spirit showing you people, nations and visions of the significance of these actions.
“At times, scenes from war movies will be brought to your mind. You will see soldiers marking boundaries, breaking enemy barriers and claiming lands for their leader. As you have seen them in your spirit, and as you act them out and declare them, so the same is already happening in the heavenlies. These pictures represent angels carrying out your orders as you declare them prophetically. As you do your regular exercise and walk around, you will hear the Holy Spirit guiding you of how to claim nations for Me.
“Every step that you take represents something spiritual. As you do any acts led by the Holy Spirit, listen to Him and ask Him for the spiritual meaning and significance for these, and as you do speak them forth. Just know My precious ones that nothing you do is insignificant. Do not worry about the end result of what you are lead to do. Just do what I told you to do. And one day, when we are together, you will understand the importance of your obedience to Me.
“This day, I pour down a new anointing upon you all. Go, declare, and take My kingdom back for Me from the clutches of the enemy. Remember: I am God. I am in control. I love you dearly.”
This is the message of the Lord for His children this season. Amen and amen, Lord.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
By: Maggie A. Escoto
one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame." (Proverbs 18:13)
Have you ever been in a conversation with a person who
will not keep quiet long enough to listen in order to obtain at least a little
bit of knowledge about a particular subject whether it be a definition, about
culture, or even just about as to why a particular thought process brings one
to a particular decision?
We often tend to
interrupt someone’s thoughts not allowing them to finish their rationalizations
before we feel the need to put in our two cents. We make conjectures (assumptions or
speculations) in advance and we presume.
presume means to suppose that something is
probably the case without facts. If we have no understanding of a culture, or
another’s reasoning or motives, why or how would we even think that we should
be giving our opinions? Unfortunately, we do it any way….we
just assume. This usually makes us look like fools. And if we look like fools, for
certain no one will want or ask to listen to our opinions.
Assumptions and presumptions create difficulties and
challenges in our interaction with others and in our relationships. In “Madea”
language, we just need to learn to put the SHUT to the UP!
James writes in James 1:19, “My
dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to
listen, slow to speak…”
In other words, we need to learn how not to open mouth and insert foot
before putting brain in motion.
Friday, April 6, 2012
PASSOVER - A Revelation of a Messiah
The festival of the Passover has been celebrated by Jews for thousands of years. It is the retelling of the great story of how God redeemed the Jewish nation from enslavement in Egypt. The celebration itself was given to the Jews while they were still in Egypt. The original celebration centered around the Passover lamb, which was sacrificed and its blood put over the doorposts as a sign of faith, so that the Lord passed over the houses of the Jews during the last plague poured out on the Egyptians - the killing of every firstborn.
The New Testament says that Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb. The Passover lamb was to be a "male without defect," which is the same description given to Jesus. In addition, when the lamb was roasted and eaten, none of its bones were to be broken. This fact was also prophesized for the Messiah, whose bones were not to be broken. It was customary during crucifixion to break the leg bones of the person after a few hours in order to hasten their death. The only way a person could breathe when hanging on a cross was to push up with his legs, which was very exhausting. By breaking the legs, death followed soon by asphyxiation. However, in the case of Jesus, they broke the legs of the other two men, but did not break
His, since He was already dead.
Much of the symbolism of Jesus' last Passover week is lost to us because we are unaware of the customs of the time. For example, Jesus came into the city of Jerusalem five days before the lamb was killed in the temple as the Passover sacrifice for the sins of the people of Israel. Five days before the lamb was to be sacrificed, it was chosen. Therefore, Jesus entered Jerusalem on lamb selection day as the lamb of God. The people did not understand the significance of this, since they greeted Him with palm branches and hailed Him as King, shouting "Hosanna," which means "save us." However, they were not looking for a spiritual Savior, but a political savior. Palm branches were a symbol of freedom and defiance, since Simon Maccabeus had entered Jerusalem with that symbolism. Jesus' reaction was to weep, since
He realized that they did not understand the Messiah's purpose in coming.
The day Jesus was crucified was the day of the Passover celebration and the day that the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed. For the previous 1,200 years, the priest would blow the shophar (ram's horn) at 3:00 p.m. - the moment the lamb was sacrificed, and all the people would pause to contemplate the sacrifice for sins on behalf of the people of Israel. At 3:00, when Jesus was being crucified, He said, "It is finished" - at the moment that the Passover lamb was sacrificed and the shofar was blown from the Temple. The sacrifice of the lamb of God was fulfilled at the hour that the symbolic animal sacrifice usually took place. At the same time, the veil of the Temple (a three-inch thick, several story high cloth that demarked the Holy of Holies) tore from top to bottom - representing a removal of the separation between God and man. Fifty days later, on the anniversary of the giving of the law (Pentecost), God left the earthly temple to inhabit those who call on the name of Jesus through His Holy Spirit.
The festival of unleavened bread began Friday evening (at sunset). As part of the festival, the Jews would take some of the grain - the "first fruits" of their harvest - to the Temple to offer as a sacrifice. In so doing, they were offering God all they had and trusting Him to proved the rest of the harvest. It was at this point that Jesus was buried - planted in the ground - as He said right before His death. Paul refers to Jesus as the first fruits of those raised from the dead in 1 Corinthians. As such, Jesus represents the fulfillment of God's promise to provide the rest of the harvest - resurrection of those who follow the Messiah.
Christian symbolism in the Passover occurs early in the Seder (the Passover dinner). Three matzahs are put together (representing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The middle matzah is broken, wrapped in a white cloth, and hidden, representing the death and burial of Jesus. The matzah itself is designed to represent Jesus, since it is striped and pierced, which was prophesized by Isaiah, David, and Zechariah. Following the Seder meal, the "buried" matzah is "resurrected," which was foretold in the prophecies of David.
It was during a Passover seder that Jesus proclaimed that the meal represented Himself and that He was instituting the New Covenant, which was foretold by Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah. The celebration of this covenant has become the ordinance of communion in the Christian Church. At the end of the meal, Jesus took the unleavened bread, broke it, and said that it represented His body. Then He took the cup of wine, which would have been the third cup of the Seder - the cup of redemption. He said that it was the new covenant in His blood "poured out for you." It is through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are declared clean before God, allowing those of us who choose to accept the pardon, to commune with Him - both now and forevermore through the eternal life He offers.
If you are a Christian, I encourage you to celebrate the Passover with your friends and neighbors. Our family has been doing this for over 10 years.
The New Testament says that Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb. The Passover lamb was to be a "male without defect," which is the same description given to Jesus. In addition, when the lamb was roasted and eaten, none of its bones were to be broken. This fact was also prophesized for the Messiah, whose bones were not to be broken. It was customary during crucifixion to break the leg bones of the person after a few hours in order to hasten their death. The only way a person could breathe when hanging on a cross was to push up with his legs, which was very exhausting. By breaking the legs, death followed soon by asphyxiation. However, in the case of Jesus, they broke the legs of the other two men, but did not break
His, since He was already dead.
Much of the symbolism of Jesus' last Passover week is lost to us because we are unaware of the customs of the time. For example, Jesus came into the city of Jerusalem five days before the lamb was killed in the temple as the Passover sacrifice for the sins of the people of Israel. Five days before the lamb was to be sacrificed, it was chosen. Therefore, Jesus entered Jerusalem on lamb selection day as the lamb of God. The people did not understand the significance of this, since they greeted Him with palm branches and hailed Him as King, shouting "Hosanna," which means "save us." However, they were not looking for a spiritual Savior, but a political savior. Palm branches were a symbol of freedom and defiance, since Simon Maccabeus had entered Jerusalem with that symbolism. Jesus' reaction was to weep, since
He realized that they did not understand the Messiah's purpose in coming.
The day Jesus was crucified was the day of the Passover celebration and the day that the Passover lamb was to be sacrificed. For the previous 1,200 years, the priest would blow the shophar (ram's horn) at 3:00 p.m. - the moment the lamb was sacrificed, and all the people would pause to contemplate the sacrifice for sins on behalf of the people of Israel. At 3:00, when Jesus was being crucified, He said, "It is finished" - at the moment that the Passover lamb was sacrificed and the shofar was blown from the Temple. The sacrifice of the lamb of God was fulfilled at the hour that the symbolic animal sacrifice usually took place. At the same time, the veil of the Temple (a three-inch thick, several story high cloth that demarked the Holy of Holies) tore from top to bottom - representing a removal of the separation between God and man. Fifty days later, on the anniversary of the giving of the law (Pentecost), God left the earthly temple to inhabit those who call on the name of Jesus through His Holy Spirit.
The festival of unleavened bread began Friday evening (at sunset). As part of the festival, the Jews would take some of the grain - the "first fruits" of their harvest - to the Temple to offer as a sacrifice. In so doing, they were offering God all they had and trusting Him to proved the rest of the harvest. It was at this point that Jesus was buried - planted in the ground - as He said right before His death. Paul refers to Jesus as the first fruits of those raised from the dead in 1 Corinthians. As such, Jesus represents the fulfillment of God's promise to provide the rest of the harvest - resurrection of those who follow the Messiah.
Christian symbolism in the Passover occurs early in the Seder (the Passover dinner). Three matzahs are put together (representing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The middle matzah is broken, wrapped in a white cloth, and hidden, representing the death and burial of Jesus. The matzah itself is designed to represent Jesus, since it is striped and pierced, which was prophesized by Isaiah, David, and Zechariah. Following the Seder meal, the "buried" matzah is "resurrected," which was foretold in the prophecies of David.
It was during a Passover seder that Jesus proclaimed that the meal represented Himself and that He was instituting the New Covenant, which was foretold by Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah. The celebration of this covenant has become the ordinance of communion in the Christian Church. At the end of the meal, Jesus took the unleavened bread, broke it, and said that it represented His body. Then He took the cup of wine, which would have been the third cup of the Seder - the cup of redemption. He said that it was the new covenant in His blood "poured out for you." It is through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are declared clean before God, allowing those of us who choose to accept the pardon, to commune with Him - both now and forevermore through the eternal life He offers.
If you are a Christian, I encourage you to celebrate the Passover with your friends and neighbors. Our family has been doing this for over 10 years.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
By Rick Warren
“For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:18 NIV)
You may have heard someone say, “I trust Jesus, but not the other guys who wrote the Bible.” There’s a problem with that logic.
Jesus trusted the Bible — every word of it! He taught that the Bible was a unique book, above all the others. Jesus said in Matthew 5:18, “For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished” (NIV).
Jesus says the Bible will last until the end of time. It will accomplish what God wants to accomplish in this world. In John 10:35 Jesus said, “We know that Scripture is always true” (NIRV). Jesus proclaimed the truth of the Bible. And when Jesus talks about the truthfulness of the Bible, we need to listen.
When Jesus talked about the Bible with people, he would often base his argument about the truth of the Bible on a single sentence or even a single word from the Bible. He believed every single sentence, every single word of Scripture. So if I trust Jesus, why wouldn’t I trust the Bible?
When Jesus talks about the Bible, he doesn’t just talk about it as poetry and history, either. He saw the Bible as something that changes lives. In Luke 11:28 Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (NIV). Jesus didn’t just want us to read the Bible. That’s what you do with poetry and history. Jesus wanted us to obey the Bible. That’s what you do with anything the Creator of the universe writes.
When Jesus talked about the Bible, he talked about it as if the people and events in it were real. He talked about all the prophets being real. He talked about Daniel being real. Jesus believed in Noah and everything that happened with the flood. He believed in Adam and Eve. Jesus believed in the tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah. He believed in Jonah and him being swallowed by a large fish.
Jesus believed in some of the most disputed stories in the Bible, particularly Noah, Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Jonah. People who think that the Bible is mostly good stories that didn’t really happen always point to those four stories.
If Jesus really believed in Jonah, then I should, too. I don’t know how God created a fish who could swallow a guy, but he did.
I trust in the Bible because Jesus trusted in it.
“For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:18 NIV)
You may have heard someone say, “I trust Jesus, but not the other guys who wrote the Bible.” There’s a problem with that logic.
Jesus trusted the Bible — every word of it! He taught that the Bible was a unique book, above all the others. Jesus said in Matthew 5:18, “For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished” (NIV).
Jesus says the Bible will last until the end of time. It will accomplish what God wants to accomplish in this world. In John 10:35 Jesus said, “We know that Scripture is always true” (NIRV). Jesus proclaimed the truth of the Bible. And when Jesus talks about the truthfulness of the Bible, we need to listen.
When Jesus talked about the Bible with people, he would often base his argument about the truth of the Bible on a single sentence or even a single word from the Bible. He believed every single sentence, every single word of Scripture. So if I trust Jesus, why wouldn’t I trust the Bible?
When Jesus talks about the Bible, he doesn’t just talk about it as poetry and history, either. He saw the Bible as something that changes lives. In Luke 11:28 Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it” (NIV). Jesus didn’t just want us to read the Bible. That’s what you do with poetry and history. Jesus wanted us to obey the Bible. That’s what you do with anything the Creator of the universe writes.
When Jesus talked about the Bible, he talked about it as if the people and events in it were real. He talked about all the prophets being real. He talked about Daniel being real. Jesus believed in Noah and everything that happened with the flood. He believed in Adam and Eve. Jesus believed in the tragedy of Sodom and Gomorrah. He believed in Jonah and him being swallowed by a large fish.
Jesus believed in some of the most disputed stories in the Bible, particularly Noah, Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Jonah. People who think that the Bible is mostly good stories that didn’t really happen always point to those four stories.
If Jesus really believed in Jonah, then I should, too. I don’t know how God created a fish who could swallow a guy, but he did.
I trust in the Bible because Jesus trusted in it.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
By Cindy Beall
Do you have any idea how much God loves you? I don’t think I do either. I’m trying to “grasp” this love as Paul exhorts us to do. But, it’s not an easy task, is it?
The other day I was at the Pharmacy picking up a prescription. My youngest son was with me and was actually just sitting on a bench waiting for me instead of rearranging all of the pain relievers and laxatives.
While I was waiting, I looked over at him. He wasn’t doing anything but just sitting and waiting while I waited. He was not quoting a scripture that he memorized. He was putting away the dishes without being asked. He was showing love and kindness toward his brother. He was just there. And the love I had for him welled up inside of me and I had to fight back the tears.
Because who wants to see a grown woman cry in the Wal-Mart Pharmacy?
That is how God loves us. Just for who we are. Yes, a life of obedience to Him and being in fellowship with Him throughout the day gives Him joy, but He loves us because that is just who He is. He is love and He loved us enough to sacrifice His only son for us.
If you are a parent, do you love anyone enough to sacrifice your child for? Yeah, me neither. When I think about the love I have for my own sons, I think I get a glimpse of just how much God loves me.
Friend, rest today in the fact that our God, the Great I Am, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last…loves you completely and without reservation. And our only reasonable response to Him should be giving Him our complete lives.
In this bold act of faith, I believe true joy and contentment resides.
Do you have any idea how much God loves you? I don’t think I do either. I’m trying to “grasp” this love as Paul exhorts us to do. But, it’s not an easy task, is it?
The other day I was at the Pharmacy picking up a prescription. My youngest son was with me and was actually just sitting on a bench waiting for me instead of rearranging all of the pain relievers and laxatives.
While I was waiting, I looked over at him. He wasn’t doing anything but just sitting and waiting while I waited. He was not quoting a scripture that he memorized. He was putting away the dishes without being asked. He was showing love and kindness toward his brother. He was just there. And the love I had for him welled up inside of me and I had to fight back the tears.
Because who wants to see a grown woman cry in the Wal-Mart Pharmacy?
That is how God loves us. Just for who we are. Yes, a life of obedience to Him and being in fellowship with Him throughout the day gives Him joy, but He loves us because that is just who He is. He is love and He loved us enough to sacrifice His only son for us.
If you are a parent, do you love anyone enough to sacrifice your child for? Yeah, me neither. When I think about the love I have for my own sons, I think I get a glimpse of just how much God loves me.
Friend, rest today in the fact that our God, the Great I Am, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last…loves you completely and without reservation. And our only reasonable response to Him should be giving Him our complete lives.
In this bold act of faith, I believe true joy and contentment resides.
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