Sunday, September 6, 2009


I will surely gather the remnant of Israel ... They shall make a loud noise because of so many people. The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out ... with the Lord at their head. —Micah 2:12-13, NKJV

Micah prophesied about a future day when the Messiah would lead Israel with such an anointing. In other words, He would help Israel break out of the old way and break open new dimensions of the purpose of God. Jesus is the ultimate expression of the breaker anointing, one who breaks open new dimensions of the Spirit for others to enter into. It's high time to break free from the fear of being considered too fanatical. Beloved, we are so easily enslaved by the opinions of people. We shouldn't feel the need to apologize for our lifestyle in God. We don't have to look respectable to other Christians. Many religious paradigms we hold dear today will be shattered by the Lord Himself. We should follow Him and embrace the breaker anointing He is giving to many of us. As we break out, God will use us to break open new dimensions in the Holy Spirit to the spiritually stagnant Western church. He will make the end-time church a dwelling place of God's power. The Holy Spirit is raising up forerunners today who will break out and break through because they are people of one thing, contending for the power of God and the fullness of the apostolic faith.

Holy Spirit, anoint my life with a "breaker anointing." Let me break through my fear of being considered too radical, too fanatical, too "heavenly minded" in my pursuit of You. Let me be a forerunner for God.
We need men and women who have a"breaker anointing."

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