Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today's message is from Rick Godwin

Learning to reign is a process, not a quick fix. You have to grow up. If you’re a baby Christian and you have just been saved, take your time. But for the rest of us that have been saved for a long time, how long are we going to stay children?

There are some things God won’t do for us. We have to get up and do them for ourselves. For example, when the angel awakened Peter to let him out of jail the angel didn’t tie Peter’s sandals. Peter had to do that himself. The angel opened the door, but Peter had to walk out and go tell those who were praying that their prayers had been answered

God isn’t going to do everything for you either. He will open the door, and when you are obedient to walk through it He will anoint you, but you are still going to have to walk through that door yourself and go tell others about the new truth and freedom you are experiencing!

We’ll go up when the time comes, but right now we need to spend all of our time and effort trying to grow up. We must become good fathers, good mothers, good husbands, good wives, good sons and daughters, good employees and good friends.

Then, as we are faithful in both the natural things and the spiritual things, God will not withhold anything from us. We will have been trained and be ready to reign!


Lord, I want to reign with You. Help me to become spiritually mature by walking in faithful obedience.

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